This is probably one question many WonderKing players have in mind right now.

It is almost four months since the WonderKing team announced its "overdue extended maintenance" to overhaul the game that was plagued with technical glitches last year.

In its announcement in September, the team enumerated several problems that they need to fix before letting gamers play WonderKing once more. We all thought that was okay because it's what the technical team needs to do. 

But since then, we received no updates whatsoever regarding the maintenance (or if it ever pushed through in the first place). What's more intriguing is that Mobius Games has already removed WonderKing as one of their games. While the official WonderKing PH site is still online, it wouldn't make much sense if it does not have any updates about the game. 

So for the development team, as well as Mobius Games, we would like to hear from you. If you already made an announcement about the status of the game, please make it official because a lot of WonderKing players are still confused and uncertain if they are just waiting for nothing. 

Just in case the maintenance did push through, an update every now and then wouldn't be bothersome, right? :)

1 Response so far.

  1. Wonderking 2 is out, hope a philippine publisher gets it!

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